The Globe and Mail recently published two wonderful articles on children's literacy and reading habits during the pandemic. Each featured consultations with literacy experts across Canada—including our CEO Ariel Siller. Find both articles below! What is one thing we can do about children’s learning loss during the pandemic? Put a book in their hands. "Literacy represents a measure of hope, an investment that could pay dividends." This excellent article by Sarmishta Subramanian looks at how reading can bring solace, enrichment and joy to children in these difficult times. From graphic novels to audiobooks, tips to get kids reading more This lovely piece by Marsha Lederman looks at all the ways parents can encourage children's reading habits, starting with expanding the idea of what counts as reading. Whether childen are interested in graphic novels or audiobooks, “we need to be open-minded about all of those strategies and feel good about them," says our CEO, Ariel Siller.
News | June 22, 2021 June 22, 2021 at Toronto Literacy groups and food banks team up to deliver books and reading resources to thousands of kids hit hard by COVID-19 pandemic disruptions
News | June 24, 2021 June 24, 2021 at London, Ontario CBC London Morning: A million children in Canada have below grade-level reading skills