We're beyond pleased to present our annual Impact Report for 2021.
We believe that helping children develop the literacy skills they need to reach their full potential starts with equal access to educational opportunities, information and resources. That's why we worked throughout 2021 to expand our programming initiatives, with a focus on the Early Words/Premiers mots program and the second year of Read On Canada!/Lisons Canada!.
We are so grateful for the generous support of our funders and partners who have helped us to get more literacy resources into the hands of children and families this year. In this report, you'll read about how the Early Words program is now operating in 14 clinics in Nunavut and Manitoba, and is poised to expand to 95 more sites across Canada over the next three years. You’ll also read about how the Read On Canada! initiative distributed more than 160,000 books to children who needed them most, receiving the World Literacy Award for Significant Response to Literacy in the Pandemic in the process. Overall, we’re honoured to have been able to provide literacy resources and support to more than 55,000 families this year, and to have trained 260 professionals who support families to provide early literacy guidance.
None of this would have been possible without the many partners, supporters and others who work alongside us. We're grateful to work collectively towards a brighter, more literate future for all children in Canada.
Read our full report here.